While not every property owner is in a tearing hurry to sell, I knew I daren’t even start looking for a new home in the country until I had the money in the bank. This is what I did to speed up the process.
Welcome to Napierlife.co.za – partly personal blog and mostly a sharing of all the splendours, quirks and delights that Napier and the surrounding region offer. Think of it as love story meets local travel.
Yours in the dorp, Shelagh
While not every property owner is in a tearing hurry to sell, I knew I daren’t even start looking for a new home in the country until I had the money in the bank. This is what I did to speed up the process.
I knew it was time to move on when the youngest of my four grown children started packing his belongings. I was gutted and relieved in almost equal measure. If mothering is heaven, then heaven is hard. But it was all I had known and loved beyond all else for almost forty years.
In no particular order, I am Shelagh Foster – writer; mother, granma, sister; untamed gardener; defender of the underdog; writing coach; editor; work skills trainer and author of Your First Year of Work, A survival guide and co-author of Your First Year of Varsity; lover of both the wilds and farmlands; drinker of Sauvignon Blanc and bone dry bubbly; winner of 2008 Voice of Africa short story competiton; allergic to ironing; happy walker; nascent yogini; scribbler of pub-style poetry; painter of not very good pictures; animal lover, home lover, and loud and proud Napierdorper.
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